Monday, May 3, 2010

Salt Spring Island Daycare Center

Today I went to Salt Spring Daycare for observation. I was there from 9:00 to 11:00 in the morning. Salt Spring Daycare is located in a home converted to a daycare, so it is quite different from Little Blue. Instead of being one open room (like LB), this daycare is divided into several separate rooms. The first thing that I noticed when I got inside was how colourful the center was. There were a lot of posters on the walls and artwork displayed in pretty much every room. I also noticed that there was a lot of natural light coming into the building, which was very nice. On the downside, I found the daycare to be quite loud, but I think that has something to do with the echo in the rooms caused by the design on the building, as well as a higher number of kids than I'm used to.

I think it was an interesting day for me to come in and observe because they had two children coming in for their first day at the daycare. There was a boy (age 2 and a half) and a girl (age 4?) and there were some difficulties when it came to behaviour.

One of the things that I observed that I found pretty funny was when these three boys made up a game and for the game they had to "take the ferry." The kids at Little Blue always talk about "going off island." I think it's an island thing!! Another time I noticed these same three boys playing a game where one of them was the dad and the other two were the children. The kids at Little Blue also play games involving families, but I guess I always thought that it was the girls who started them. This game that they had going was very realistic; when the "dad" said he was going to work, the kids started "crying." However, at the same time, the game did have a very unrealistic aspect; the "dad" brought his sword to work!

Today I really noticed peer influence. There were only a couple boys there first thing in the morning and they were all playing with their cars and there was no yelling and no running around, but as soon as some more boys came in and decided they wanted to play something a little less calm, the boys who were playing nicely got totally sucked in to this other game and pretty soon they were all running around and yelling! I find it really interesting that the "issues" that I observe at the preschool level are still so prevalent at the high school level...although, the issues have changed quite a bit!

One of the things I really liked was that there was a lot of impromptu singing from the educators. I also really liked that I saw one of the educators using sign language. I think that is really effective, especially when someone's language isn't developed. I would really like to learn sign language...yet another thing to add to my list!! Another thing that I heard a few times when there was a conflict and someone needed to move to another activity was the phrase "I'm going to invite you to find a new place to play." I think it was so effective because although you're directing the child away from the situation that isn't working, they still have control over what they want to play with next.

Today I learned just how effective giving a child the words for something can be...that makes no sense...Example: when Child A is whining or crying because Child B gets too close to their tower, if you can prompt them by saying something like "Child B doesn't know what you want, so you could say 'Child B, can you please move over because you're very close to my tower'" it really makes a difference in the situation. I think it is very calming and it can take a potentially serious problem and make it not such a big deal.

It's easy to go into another center and judge what's going on, and be picky as to what you like and what you don't like, and it makes me wonder what someone coming into Little Blue would have to say...

To Andrea and Sherry (and maybe Barbra):
I would like to say thank you again, because I feel like I learned a lot, and there are definitely some things that I learned today that I will be bringing back to Little Blue.


  1. A good opportunity and excellent write up, Kaity.

    IDEA: Research the new trend of teaching babies sign language!


  2. I like it! Next time I don't have something to blog about, I will definitely look into it.
