Monday, March 8, 2010

Week 5

Not much to report after my 5th week at Little Blue. This week was a little different though; my mom was away Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday so it was just me and the other "assistants." It was...interesting.

Things seemed a little more chaotic. No, chaotic isn't the right word. Less organized is more appropriate. It made me wonder if my mom walks into the preschool each morning with a plan of what she wants to do, or if she is just really good at flying by the seat of her pants.

I really enjoyed working with the other women though. I felt much more confident to make suggestions about games and activities, I guess because I felt more like an equal for some reason. I liked seeing the other "styles" you could call them of educating. Just the different types of games played, inside and out. I also noticed their different reading styles and how they played with the kids. Another thing that I noticed was the difference in how "difficult" situations were dealt with. Overall, I felt things went very well.

My mom suggested that I call the other preschools and ask if I can come in for observation. She said I should just sit in a corner of the school and watch how the educators interact with the kids and with each other. I think I'll try to work that out for the week after spring break.
Stay tuned,

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